Why You Should Never Do THESE Things — Explained

n a world full of hidden dangers and unexpected pitfalls, knowledge is your best defense. Prepare to be shocked as we unveil four seemingly innocent activities that could put you at serious risk. Read on to discover why these common practices are best avoided…

Ex hotel worker Brandi Augustus reveals what NOT to eat in restaurants | Source: tiktok.com/brandiaugustus

Ex hotel worker Brandi Augustus reveals what NOT to eat in restaurants | Source: tiktok.com/brandiaugustus

#1. Buffet Blunders: The Breakfast Foods to Avoid at All Costs

A former hotel worker’s revelations about breakfast buffets will make you think twice before piling up your plate. Brandi Augustus, a 36-year-old from Knoxville, Tennessee, spent over a decade in the hospitality industry and has some stomach-churning insights to share.

Augustus warns against indulging in certain breakfast staples, particularly at more budget-friendly establishments. Her experiences paint a troubling picture of food handling practices that might leave you reaching for the antacids.

Brandi Augustus exposes the hotel breakfast disasters | Source: tiktok.com/brandiaugustus

Brandi Augustus exposes the hotel breakfast disasters | Source: tiktok.com/brandiaugustus

“The handling of the bread and pastries was the first thing that gave me immediate pause and made me say something,” Augustus recounts.

“Gloves weren’t used and hands weren’t washed and this was food that was removed from the buffet the morning prior, so who knows how many sets of hands had touched it all.”

She adds, “Bread and pastries are often recycled and picked over for days.”

Brandi Augustus spills the tea on the "ugly reality" of hotel breakfast | Source: tiktok.com/brandiaugustus

Brandi Augustus spills the tea on the “ugly reality” of hotel breakfast | Source: tiktok.com/brandiaugustus

But it’s not just baked goods that should raise red flags. Augustus advises caution when it comes to meat offerings as well.

“Steer clear of the meat at most places. Sausage is not supposed to be grey. Stop eating grey sausage,” she warns.

Perhaps the most alarming incident Augustus encountered involved waffle batter of questionable freshness. She recalls being instructed to mix new batter into old, foul-smelling batter to mask the odor—a practice she found deeply concerning.

Brandi Augustus warns about the waffle batter in hotels | Source: tiktok.com/brandiaugustus

Brandi Augustus warns about the waffle batter in hotels | Source: tiktok.com/brandiaugustus

“When I was told to smell the waffle batter to check if it was still good I just lost all hope,” she said.

“That completely soured my stomach as the batter had a slight smell to it but the container was a little over half full so instead of wasting the old batter I was told to just mix new batter into it and the smell would go away. That smell was bacteria multiplying.”

Brandi Augustus reveals shocking secrets about hotel breakfast | Source: tiktok.com/brandiaugustus

Brandi Augustus reveals shocking secrets about hotel breakfast | Source: tiktok.com/brandiaugustus

Despite reporting these issues to management, Augustus found little was changing. She notes that health inspections didn’t seem to catch these problems, leaving her in a difficult position as an employee.

For those who find themselves relying on hotel breakfasts, Augustus offers some advice based on her own experiences: “I would only eat what I made fresh, like new waffle mix or unopened pastries.”

Brandi Augustus offers advice based on her own experiences, cautioning customers against being fooled | Source: tiktok.com/brandiaugustus

Brandi Augustus offers advice based on her own experiences, cautioning customers against being fooled | Source: tiktok.com/brandiaugustus

Now working in a different field, Augustus remains cautious when booking accommodations. She suggests opting for hotels that offer made-to-order breakfasts when possible.

“The chances of getting food poisoning seem to decrease when you can see the person cooking your food, so always opt for the omelette station,” she advises.

Brandi’s TikTok video has gone viral, racking up over 1.5 million views and generating nearly 6,000 comments.

Brandi Augustus spills the beans on the breakfast buffet items that might not be worth the risk | Source: tiktok.com/brandiaugustus

Brandi Augustus spills the beans on the breakfast buffet items that might not be worth the risk | Source: tiktok.com/brandiaugustus

#2. Roadside Ruse: The Abandoned Baby Trap

Picture this: You’re driving down a lonely stretch of road when you spot a baby stroller just off to the side. Your first instinct might be to stop and check… but think twice before you do. This seemingly innocent scene could be a DANGEROUS TRAP set by criminals.

A concerned mother recently shared a warning about this alarming tactic.

“If you see a stroller, car seat, or any type of baby situation alone in the middle of nowhere please, I repeat DON’T GET OUT. Be safe,” she cautioned.

A baby stroller on the roadside | Source: Pixabay

A baby stroller on the roadside | Source: Pixabay

This cruel scheme preys on the kindness of strangers. Thieves place a stroller or car seat by the roadside, knowing that many people will feel compelled to stop and investigate. When a good Samaritan pulls over, the criminals strike.

A chorus of approval filled the comments.

“Yes, people lie in wait… at best they rob you, at worst they bash you too,” one commenter noted.

Another added: “Families are struggling, some of them will use kids as bait.”

A baby stroller on the roadside near lush green grass | Source: Pixabay

A baby stroller on the roadside near lush green grass | Source: Pixabay

The warning struck a chord with many, who admitted they would have fallen for the trap.

“OMG! I would be out of the car so fast to check, thanks for the warning,” one mother confessed.

While some tried to lighten the mood with humorous explanations for abandoned strollers, the underlying message remained serious. Similar scams involving “injured” individuals or women in distress have also been reported.

An empty baby stroller on the road | Source: Pixabay

An empty baby stroller on the road | Source: Pixabay

So what should you do if you encounter such a scene? Many suggest calling the authorities rather than investigating yourself.

As one person advised: “I would just call the police to have a look at it. It sounds harsh but it isn’t worth the trouble.”

This warning serves as a sobering reminder that while compassion is admirable, personal safety should always come first. Stay alert, trust your instincts, and don’t hesitate to involve professionals when something seems amiss.

A cop car on the street | Source: Unsplash

A cop car on the street | Source: Unsplash

#3. Funeral Follies: Protect Your Home While Mourning

When tragedy strikes and we lose a loved one, the last thing on our minds is home security. Yet, this vulnerable time can attract opportunistic criminals looking to exploit our absence. Here’s why you should never leave a deceased person’s home unattended during a funeral.

One individual shared a painful lesson learned the hard way:

“When there’s a death in your family, do not leave the person’s home and belongings unattended during the funeral, especially if it’s been posted in the paper. My family experienced two robberies during funerals before we learned our lesson, my aunt’s jewelry was never recovered.”

People attending a funeral service | Source: Pexels

People attending a funeral service | Source: Pexels

Spilling the beans on the disturbing trend, the person added:

“I know it seems like something out of a bad movie, but it’s happened more than a few times in the real world. Now we always ask someone to sit at the house while the funeral is taking place and I’ve sat for friends while they buried their loved ones too.”

Grieving people paying their last respects at a loved one's funeral | Source: Pexels

Grieving people paying their last respects at a loved one’s funeral | Source: Pexels

This isn’t an isolated incident. Another person recounted a similar experience involving their husband’s grandparents:

“My husband’s nan and grandad’s house was in a bad fire where they had to move out. This was in the paper stating the road it was on. They had two robberies. Jewellery, presents, grandchildren money all gone… they threw the dogs ashes everywhere. They weren’t allowed to collect these items due to the house being unsafe. Second robbery was stealing copper or some kind of expensive material. Be careful guys ✌”

A house on fire | Source: Pexels

A house on fire | Source: Pexels

These heartbreaking stories highlight the importance of safeguarding a home during times of loss. Some families have adopted the practice of asking someone to stay at the house during the funeral. This simple precaution can prevent devastating losses on top of an already difficult situation.

The same principle applies to other extended absences. “Same goes for vacations and weddings. Never publicly announce (social media) when you’re leaving your house for an extended period of time,” one commenter wisely noted.

Couple with a suitcase walking on the street | Source: Pexels

Couple with a suitcase walking on the street | Source: Pexels

Another shared a cautionary tale: “Happened to a family friend, he went on holiday soon after his wife passed away and came home to his house completely emptied. They took everything down to the carpets (why the [expletive] would they take carpets?!).”

The person added it’s not just strangers you need to worry about. “I also want to note that it’s not just strangers who will steal stuff, family will come and take things they believe they are entitled to also.”

An empty room in a house | Source: Pexels

An empty room in a house | Source: Pexels

In times of grief or celebration, it’s easy to overlook home security. But by taking simple precautions like having a trusted friend house-sit or being discreet about your plans, you can protect yourself and your house from those who would take advantage of your absence.

A house with a lush green lawn | Source: Unsplash

A house with a lush green lawn | Source: Unsplash

#4. Ice, Ice, Maybe Not: The Chilling Truth About Restaurant Ice

Before you ask for extra ice in your drink at a restaurant, you might want to consider what’s lurking in those seemingly pristine cubes. Former food service workers are sounding the alarm about the cleanliness—or lack thereof—of ice machines in many establishments.

One ex-employee shared a stomach-turning revelation: “Had to get in one to clean it at my old job. Only was told to clean the part where the ice drops down, not where it was made. So that place has moldy ass ice.”

Person having an iced beverage at a restaurant | Source: Pexels

Person having an iced beverage at a restaurant | Source: Pexels

This unsettling account isn’t an isolated incident. Another commenter confirmed: “This isn’t a surprise to me since I’ve seen it in various kitchens.”

The problem seems particularly prevalent in fast food establishments, with one person stating:

“You have NO IDEA how many fast food jobs I’ve worked at that NEVER, NOT ONE SINGLE TIME, cleaned the ice machine.”

A restaurant worker preparing a drink on the rocks | Source: Freepik

A restaurant worker preparing a drink on the rocks | Source: Freepik

The issue stems from a combination of factors: lack of proper cleaning protocols, inadequate training, and the misconception that because ice is frozen, it can’t harbor harmful bacteria.

However, mold and other microorganisms can indeed thrive in these moist, cool environments.

So the next time you’re dining out, consider skipping the ice or opting for a bottled beverage instead. Your stomach might thank you later.

A person holding a glass of iced cocktail | Source: Pexels

A person holding a glass of iced cocktail | Source: Pexels

Knowledge is power when it comes to personal safety and health. By staying aware of these hidden dangers—from questionable buffet practices to roadside scams, home security risks, and even the ice in your drink—you can better protect yourself and your loved ones. Remember, a little caution goes a long way in navigating the unexpected perils of everyday life.

People at a restaurant cheering with iced cocktails | Source: Pexels

People at a restaurant cheering with iced cocktails | Source: Pexels

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